I know you are completely booked out for your wedding season. Keeping up with you blog is going to be challenging. Now is the time to think about creating a workflow for yourself to make blogging as easy as possible, whether you outsource it or do it yourself. There is so much information that needs to be collected before someone can write your blog. It's a lot of work to prepare for that for someone who was not present at the wedding that you might think "why not just do it myself?"

Well, preparing now will help you take the mental load and work of blogging off your plate.
If you are having someone write your blog for you they will have a questionnaire for you to fill out ahead of time before writing your blog.
Don't make it a bigger headache spending than it needs to be trying to track down all the information you need.
Have your couples collect as much of this information for you as possible with questionnaires before and after the event. Keep it organized in a way that works for you, whether it is within Dubsado or Honeybook or on a google form. It doesn’t matter where it is, what matters is that you ask the right question to get the most out of it!
On your questionnaires to your couples here are some things to ask them:The couple’s background story: This would be anything relevant that you would want included in the blog; how they met, all about the proposal, etc. If you took their engagement photos be sure to link them to their wedding post!
Before the wedding ask…
What type of wedding are they planning: Is it a backyard wedding, a church wedding, casual wedding, or huge wedding and why?
How did they meet? What is their love story?
What is their theme of style for the wedding? What kind of flowers are being used?
Are there any special details they are exciting about?
Who are all of their vendors? Have them send you the website links and social media handles.
After the wedding ask…
What was your favorite part of the day?
Did anything unexpected happen? What was the outcome?
What advice do you have for couples getting married?
What was your first dance song? What was the song you walked down the aisle to?
Any big surprises on your day?
Having your couples do these questionnaires will help you so much when you go to write your blog post or hand it off to someone else. These detailed questions will make anyone feel like they were apart of the day!
Once you have captured the wedding day make note of your thoughts a day or two after when it is fresh in your mind! It can be a voice note on the way home or a list of thoughts, but something so you don't forget and can easily share it with someone else.
Book a call to learn more about outsourcing your blog!